Jasmine.js - Hello World (using command line)

Posted on 2016-01-11

using VSCode reference before article Hello World Jasmine.js

1, install jasmine and jasmine tsd in command line

$ npm install -g jasmine // if not install jasmine
$ jasmine init // init jasmine in /spec/support/jasmine.json
$ npm install -g tsd // if not install tsd  
$ tsd install jasmine --save // install node tsd file and save in tsd.json  

2、create hello.js file in new src folder

Object.prototype.SayHello = function(){  
    return "Hello World !";

4.create hello.spec.js file in spec folder


describe("Hello world Test", function(){

   it("says hello", function(){
        expect(SayHello()).toEqual("Hello World !");


5.using command line run Jasmine Test, you can see 0 failures

$ jasmine

6.if modify hello.js

Object.prototype.SayHello = function(){  
    return "Hello World 123";

7.rerun Jasmine Test, you can see 1 failures

$ jasmine